Shyam G Menon

Stories by Shyam G Menon

What A380's failure can teach the shipping industry

What A380's failure can teach the shipping industry   8 Nov 2021

As a model of transport, the A380 strikes a parallel -- a shared fragility -- with giant container ships, observes Shyam G Menon.

THE ABBA Paradox

THE ABBA Paradox   19 Oct 2021

Ageing is a funny process. After rebelling and exploring, the human being drifts to the ordered arrangement, he/she once left. As a youngster I outgrew ABBA while my mother continued to like them. In September 2021, when ABBA's first single in 40 years was launched, I sent the video link to my mother. Meanwhile, now in my fifties, I find myself curious to hear ABBA's new songs, notes Shyam G Menon.

'How long will you live fearing this virus?'

'How long will you live fearing this virus?'   27 Sep 2021

'These reports of cases being very low in other states, is it true? Are the numbers believable?'

Opposition should aim for 2029

Opposition should aim for 2029   7 Sep 2021

The Opposition must understand that while 2024 may draw mileage from the growing resentment towards the BJP, the real battle and proof of how well India learnt from its disastrous dalliance with the Right-wing, will be in 2029, observes Shyam G Menon.

The BJP's Politics of Population

The BJP's Politics of Population   27 Aug 2021

Population is a touchy issue in India. Anybody will notice the crowded rat race we live in, notes Shyam G Menon.

Can India win an Olympic Medal in Climbing?

Can India win an Olympic Medal in Climbing?   17 Aug 2021

While sport climbing made its debut in the Olympics only this year, it has had a popular home in India for many years now.

Tokyo Games: The Math in Everything

Tokyo Games: The Math in Everything   29 Jul 2021

I wondered how being scientist-mathematician helps one cycle better. Perhaps the self-discipline helps; perhaps it is the scientist-technologist perspective of breaking down the whole into separate pieces, identifying specifics and working on them for improved results, mulls Shyam G Menon.

Corporate India a cheerleader for the Govt?

Corporate India a cheerleader for the Govt?   16 Jul 2021

Like ants declining to question the rules of the anthill, they feel innately justified in their approach, notes Shyam G Menon.

Checking Big Tech with a Self-Goal

Checking Big Tech with a Self-Goal   12 Jul 2021

It was amusing to hear Minister Jaishankar's argument of tech companies being influential non-State actors. If only he looked at his own party before saying what he did, notes Shyam G Menon.

Does an airport's name mean a lot?

Does an airport's name mean a lot?   25 Jun 2021

'The urge to name the upcoming Navi Mumbai airport after well-known personalities and the equally strong urge to rally in large numbers supporting this name and that; all of this amidst COVID-19, felt deplorable,' asserts Shyam G Menon.

Should Tokyo be the guinea pig for Olympics experiment?

Should Tokyo be the guinea pig for Olympics experiment?   9 Jun 2021

In this pandemic, why can't we have multiple locations for various disciplines, all of it then merged into a virtual convergence called the Olympics instead of one massive event in one city, asks Shyam G Menon.

Why Young India Thinks Old

Why Young India Thinks Old   7 Jun 2021

'Three decades after liberalisation kicked off, my friend's son and niece -- both born well after that historic shift in economic policy -- find themselves newly off the beaten path for no fault than listening to their heart,' notes Shyam G Menon.

Why Kerala is Angry at Shailaja's Exit

Why Kerala is Angry at Shailaja's Exit   20 May 2021

Personal competence, where it should have been acknowledged and appreciated, was sacrificed for that oft heard line: Party-is-supreme. It angered that at a time when lives are at stake amidst the pandemic, the government didn't deem continuity in leadership important for the health portfolio, observes Shyam G Menon.

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